Award-winning designs that matter – guest blog by DCA for Malvern Panalytical
Published on: 25th October 2018
Malvern Panalytical in conjunction with DCA recently receiving two Red Dot design awards Morphologi (4 and 4ID) and Zetasizer (Ultra and Pro) following the successful design, development, industrialisation and launch of these two new instruments.
In this guest blog, Chris discusses DCA’s approach that included developing a 3D Visual Brand Language (3D VBL) that recognizes the importance of Malvern’s strong brand and long-established reputation as a global leader in its field. Then with each instrument design project, understanding the product and users needs becomes a key input before formulating the new visual design, including shape, surface and stamps, all guided by the Malvern VBL.
You can read Chris’ guest blog here.